However, as soon as this Spider-Man movie began its advertising campaign, I was hooked. They had me at Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. I loved Andrew Garfield as the scorned friend and business partner in "The Social Network" and Emma Stone had me laughing in "Easy A", "Crazy Stupid Love" and "The Help."
Let me begin this review by saying, I am obsessed with this movie! I had read a review earlier in the week by Lisa Schwarzbaum of "Entertainment Weekly" and I can now say with conviction that she captured the movie perfectly:
"Five minutes into 'The Amazing Spider-Man',I got bitten. With pleasure. A friskier, sweeter-natured variation onthe story Sam Raimi told in his recent trilogy, with greater emphasison human relations than on special effects, this Spidey rebootrefreshes an old story through the on-trend notion of making a Marvelsuperhero less...super-heroic. With an effortlessly winning AndrewGarfield now in the title role and the irresistible Emma Stone by hisside as Gwen Stacy, the most delicious high school girlfriend a bug-and love-bitten young man could hope to woo, 'The Amazing Spider-Man'may be the first big-ticket, big-budget, big-action-sequence comic-bookmovie that also doubles as a lilting coming-of-age indie. . . What's most amazing in 'The Amazing Spider-Man' turns out to be not the shared sensations of blockbuster wow! the picture elicits, but rather the shared satisfactions of intimate awww."
Her review is spot on and worth the full read. I think she hits the nail on the head when she says the movie is more about human emotions (empathy, sadness, fear, love) than it is about CGI and explosions.
Ok, now onto the nitty gritty! Warning: major spoilers ahead.
Andrew Garfield is endearing as Peter Parker and wins you over in his first scene. Given Peter's tough childhood and even tougher current reality, you whole heartedly root for him as he transforms from awkward, social outcast to confident super hero.

For me, the most touching moments in the film are when Peter listens to Uncle Ben's last voicemail on his cell phone over and over again just to hear his voice and feel close to him again. When Peter listened to the message again during the final scene of the movie, I teared up.
Emma Stone is sexy and smart as Gwen Stacy, Peter's love interest. Gwen's signature look is leggy - thigh high stockings or knee high boots with every, single outfit. Though it seems she'd be the seducer, she and Peter are adorably awkward in their pursuit of each other.

In addition to the heart pounding action, the movie is equally propelled by Peter and Gwen's sincere romance. Though Captain Stacy's dying wish was for Peter to stay away from Gwen, in one of the final scenes Peter whispers to Gwen, "The best promises are the ones meant to be broken." Yes! This is the perfect set up for their relationship to continue in a second movie.

"The Amazing Spider-Man" clocks in at two hours and sixteen minutes and honestly, it flew by. I didn't want the movie to end! When the credits rolled our entire theater began to clap. Loudly. Everyone in the theater was just as in love with the film as I was. I wanted to sit in the theater and wait for it to start again.
Have you seen "The Amazing Spider-Man"? Did you love it as much as I did?
*Images courtesy of,,,, and
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