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Back in February my parents gifted me a membership to the Museum ofFine Arts. For the last two years I had been borrowing their membershipcard to go to all the exhibits that interested me and finally theydecided they'd like me to have my own. Thank you, parents!
Startingin the spring, the museum began advertising their summer exhibit, AlexKatz Prints. The tag line for the marketing campaign is, "MFA Summer.No SPF Required" and that tag line appears with this photo from theexhibit:

Thisis a genius marketing campaign. I've seen the banners all arounddowntown Boston and each time I see one, it makes me want to rush tothe exhibit. The vibrant colors draw you in and the look of that bluebackground makes you feel like you could just dip your toe into a poolor an ocean.
This Saturday I went to the museum to see the prints upclose and personal. The exhibit is in the gallery beneath the NewAmerican Cafe and the Dale Chihuly green icicle.
Alex Katz's prints are mostly portraits, the majority of whichare of his wife Ada. Ada is the light of his life and his greatestartistic muse. He loves her so much that he can't help but to continueto try and recreate her. How romantic is that?

I really loved this panoramic style portrait of a woman on a beach wearing a bright red hat and a large pair of sunglasses:

Myabsolute favorite print was of a woman wearing a black floppy hat andglamorous black sunglasses set against a mustard yellow background. Iwant this for my place!

Inaddition to the brightly colored portraits, Alex Katz also has printsinspired by nature. The last two rooms of the exhibit are all printsinspired by time he spent in Maine. There is a specific set of threeprints called "Twilight" that was breathtaking.
The next time the temperature skyrockets and you'rein search of air conditioning, head to the museum and wander throughAlex Katz Prints. The exhibit runs through July 29th.
Have you been to the exhibit? Which piece was your favorite?
*Images courtesy of
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