The first date card is for AshLee. Tierra processes that information by blurting out, "The cougar's back in town!" She then says into the confessional camera, "When I'm 32 I want to be married, with kids and have my family set. Why hasn't she found someone by now?" Ohhhhhh, girl. Don't even get me started.
AshLee's Date
It is clear that AshLee has fallen hard for Sean. If he gives her the boot this week, I am going to feel overwhelmingly sad for her.
Sean asks AshLee about Tierra and she just opens the flood gates. He actually doesn't seem to mind.
At their candlelight dinner on the beach Sean asks AshLee, "Before I go home with you next week to meet your family, is there anything we haven't covered?" With zero hesitation she says, "Actually there is." Hmmm. What could it be?
AshLee drops a major bomb. She got married at 17 years old! She was a junior in high school. After she spills the beans she says to Sean, "I didn't want to ruin today and I feel like I did." He meets her question with total silence. Ouch.
Eventually he smiles, kisses her and says, "Of course I still like you."
And then she drops the L bomb, by screaming it at the top of her lungs. This has been a crazy date!
Tierra's Date
Tierra is complaining about her date from the start. She wanted a water/boat date and she got a downtown, walk around date.
After their day time adventure, Sean and Tierra sit down for dinner and she tells him, "You feel distant. I feel like I'm far behind." Sean confesses the drama in the house is affecting his impression of her.

Group Date
This group date is just three ladies: Catherine, Desiree and Lindsay.
Sean starts the morning by waking the girls up at 4:00am and snapping his camera in their faces. I would die.
He takes them to watch the sun rise and then they head on a road trip around the perimeter of the island. I am positive that date would be way more fun one on one.
Sean has alone time with each of the girls. He has more make out time with Lindsay, a confession from Catherine about her dad and an ugly cry from Desiree as she talks about her family.
In a shocking twist, Sean gives the group date to rose to Lindsay! I was sure it was going to Desiree.
Lesley's Date
Sean begins the date with Lesley by saying into the confessional camera, "Lesley and my relationship is not where it needs to be. At this point, I have stronger feelings for many of the other women."
I loved when Lesley said into the camera, "I used to watch this show and when the girls would say 'I love you' I thought they were crazy. But now I totally get it and I know Sean needs to hear that from me." Oh boy.
Shay's Arrival
Sean needs a gut check, so his sister is on the scene. She says, "We don't want you to end up with 'that one,' the one who we watch the whole season and shake our heads." Hello, Tierra!
Tierra vs. AshLee
After weeks of build up, AshLee finally takes one for the team and provokes Tierra. In the course of their conversation Tierra shouts, "Men love me!" and "My parents told me, 'You have a sparkle. Don't let those girls take your sparkle away." How much do you want to bet she's an only child?
At the end of the fight, Sean comes into the bungalow and finds Tierra crying on her cot. He sheepishly tells her, "I think it might be best if you go home now."
Finally the Tierra Show is over!
Cocktail Party
Sean tells the girls that Tierra went home and that he already knows what he wants to do, so he doesn't need a cocktail party.
Rose Ceremony
There are only five girls left and Lindsay already has a rose. Everyone who scores a flower tonight will get to take Sean home to their families. Sean hands roses to, in this order:
- Desiree
- Catherine - I knew the producers would leave it down to AshLee and Lesley!
- AshLee
Poor Lesley! The good news is, she is only 25. She will certainly have guys knocking down her door after this experience.
I was shocked when Catherine said into the camera, "If Sean didn't want Lesley. I don't know what he wants. They had more in common than we do. My beliefs are shattered." Dramatic much?
Next week is hometown dates, which is always one of my favorite episodes. You have the trips down memory lane, the skeptical relatives and the uncomfortable realization from the Bachelor that he has to dump a girl after he just met her parents.
In the previews it looks like Lindsay's army dad will be intimidating and Desiree's brother is a total jackass.
Can't wait!
*Images courtesy of The Bachelor.
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