Serena and Dan decide to host Thanksgiving as a couple. Blair doesn't want them together so she orchestrates for Sage and Steven to run into Serena at the grocery store. Sure enough, Serena invites them and the competition begins.

Meanwhile, Nate tries to wake Chuck from his funk by telling him about a new death likely at the hands of Bart. Bruce Kaplan, a business manager, died while on Bart's yacht. Chuck is only interested and drinking and lying in bed. He even bans Blair from the Empire!

Once everyone has arrived for dinner, Nate and Sage sneak upstairs. Nate is attempting to break into Bart's computer files when Sage gives my favorite line of the night, "Babe, I came up to here to make out, not to watch you and Chuck play Wikileaks." Too good.
All evening long Georgina has been harassing Dan about his Serena chapter for Vanity Fair. He sent it straight to the editor without showing her, which of course, made her furious. Georgina tracks down the editor's assistant who mentions that Dan submitted two chapters.
Over dinner the Serena chapter gets released and Georgina announces it to the table. Serena is humiliating and confronts Dan pleading, "I thought you were different." To which he replies, "I used to be different and it got me nowhere, so now I am the same." Before Dan can leave Nate make sure to punch him in the face.

In the very last scene of the episode we see Dan typing a header that reads, "The Final Chapter." I think he is going to propose to Serena in the final article. I know it sounds crazy, but all of a sudden I have a strong feeling that he is going to make a grand gesture.
In previews for the next episode (which is the second to last!) Blair, Serena and Dan watch as a television reporter says a plane went down. I think we're supposed to assume from the horror on Blair's face that Chuck was on the plane. As I have been saying all season, I will not be satisfied if they don't wind up together.
What do you think? Will Chuck finally take down Bart and marry Blair?
*Images courtesy of CWTV.
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